Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Price Information On Your Mobile Phone

Date 13/01/2004

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange introduces a new price service via SMS. All mobile phone owners can now receive prices on any given Danish, listed share.

Regardless of where in Denmark an investor with a mobile phone is situated, he may quickly and easily obtain current buy and sell orders on any of the shares included in the Exchange's KAX All-Share Index. In addition to the best buy and sell orders, the investor also gets the price of the most recent trade as well as the day's turnover in the share.

The SMS prices are delayed by 15 minutes just like the prices, which the investors may track on the Exchange's website.

E-business manager Anders Noltensmeier said: "The new SMS service means that Danish investors can be updated on the price development of both major and small Danish shares whenever they like and whereever they are in Denmark. It is inspiring that the technique is now so low-priced and well-developed that we may offer anyone interested in the Danish equity market easy access to current price information via an ordinary mobile phone."

The SMS service is simple to use because the service finds the share itself even if only a part of the company name has been entered. For example if the message "CSE KAX BANG" is entered, you will receive the price of Bang & Olufsen even though you did not include the entire name 'Bang & Olufsen B' in the message.

This is particularly advantageous in connection with those company names that are registered with a somewhat odd spelling. It would for instance be hard for a user to obtain the prices of "H. Lundbeck" and "A.P. Møller -Mærsk A" if the SMS service did not have a built-in recognition of 13 January 2004.abbreviations. The price of "H. Lundbeck" may be obtained by sending the message "CSE KAX LUND", and the price of "A.P. Møller - Mærsk A" can be obtained by sending the message "CSE KAX Mærsk A" to 1279.

The SMS message is sent to 1279, and the return SMS message containing trade information costs DKK 4.

"We have looked forward to the day when we would be in a position to offer private investors a direct line to price information from the Danish market. If the new SMS service turns out to be a success, it will soon be succeeded by even more offers with information from the equity market" so promises E-business Manager Anders Noltensmeier.

The Exchange's SMS service has been set-up by means of CellPoint's standardised GoMobile technology. CEO Michael Mathiesen, CellPoint, commented: "It is positive to see how the Exchange - by means of CellPoint's GoMobile technology - has been able to set-up this SMS service quickly and easily. This is a paradigm shift in relation to our past similar services which were developed individually and therefore were very expensive. Having launched the new SMS price service the Exchange shows that it is a modern and customer-oriented business."

CellPoint offers standardised solutions to mobile operators and enterprises. The company delivers its own solutions and solutions developed in conjunction with its partners on the basis of CellPoint's open platforms within location technology and distribution of SMS, MMS, JAVA, Voice, etc. CellPoint has 24 employees in Denmark and Sweden.