Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Preliminary Timetable For Saxess Release 4.0

Date 22/05/2002

Copenhagen Stock Exchange has annunced that the Norex exchanges are planning the next release of Saxess, release 4.0. This release will be in production in Q2 2003.

The timetable for the release implementation is still preliminary, but the Exchange expect to have more information before summer.

Copenhagen Stock Exchange plans to invite its members and their 3rd party developers to an information meeting in September/October 2002, where the Exchange will present the new functionalities and the XTP protocol changes in release 4.0. They will receive a business documentation of Saxess release 4.0 functionalities be-fore the information meeting in September/October 2002.