Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: New All-Time Highs On The Equity Market In October - New All-Time Highs On The Equity Market In October: Turnover Amounted To DKKbn 85, The Value Of Average Daily Trading Amounted To Just Under DKKbn 4 And The KFX Index Reached

Date 02/11/2000

Equity trading reached a new all-time high in October with an average daily trading volume amounting to DKK 3.9 billion, a 3 per cent rise on the record month of September. The value of total equity trading in October amounted to a record DKK 85.3 billion, slightly higher than the previous record of DKK 85.1 billion set in March.

The KFX shares reached a total turnover of DKK 66.0 billion and they accounted for 77 per cent of the total turnover. GN Great Nordic was the most actively traded share of the month with a turnover of DKK 10.2 billion.

Then followed Novo Nordisk with DKK 8.9 billion, while Tele Danmark was the third most-active share with a turnover of DKK 8.0 billion.

On 24 October, the KFX Index reached the 37th all-time high of the year when it closed at 354.08. The rise over the month amounted to 1.5 per cent, and compared with end-October 1999, the index rose by 53 per cent. The KFMX Index, comprising small and medium-sized companies, and the KVX Index both reached new all-time highs on 6 October closing at 1,305.17 and 1,038.6, respectively.

RealDanmark was the star performer of the month – it rose by 98.3 per cent compared with end-September, which was primarily a result of the announcement of the merger with Danske Bank, which rose by 19.3 per cent. NKT Holding, Group 4 Falck and Tele Danmark fell the most over the month: by 18, 13 and 10 per cent.

In connection with the review of the KFX Index, which takes effect on Monday 18 December 2000, i-data international A/S was included in the index. Jyske Bank A/S re-entered the index after having been a Non constituent for one period. Navision A/S left the KFX Index. i-data international A/S will thus leave the KVX Index and Navision will join the KVX Index on 18 December 2000.

Bond trading amounted to DKK 506.2 billion in market value, corresponding to an average daily value of trading of DKK 23 billion, or 12 per cent lower than in September. Compared with October 1999, the increase amounted to 12 per cent.

The government bonds fell by 2 per cent and reached a turnover of DKK 285.9 billion in market value, while the standard mortgage credit bonds fell by 11 per cent compared with September and reached DKK 178 billion.

The most actively traded bond was the government benchmark 6% 2009 with a turnover of DKK 56.6 billion. The most-active mortgage bond was Nykredit’s 6% 3C s. 2029 with a turnover of DKK 8.2 billion. At the end of October 2000, the volume of bonds in circulation amounted to DKK 1,913 billion in market value, which was almost the same as in September. In nominal terms the figure was DKK 1,980 billion.