Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Full Trading Information From The Copenhagen Stock Exchange

Date 07/11/2001

As from today, new trading information will be available on the Stock Exchange's web site The information will provide a detailed picture of the Danish stock market, which until now has only been available to the members of the Stock Exchange.

On, both professional and private investors may free of charge obtain a full picture of all trades in shares, bonds and investment trust certificates listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. Information is available for security transactions made via the Stock Exchange's trading system or reported to the trading system.

Part of the new trading information about listed securities will be set out and explained below: Relating to trades in shares and investment trust certificates, the turnover in number of securities has been added as well as buyer and seller stating the member's name. The redemption yield is calculated for trades in bonds. Reporting time is the time when the transaction is reported to the trading system. The reporting time for transactions concluded via the trading system corresponds to the trade time. Trade type indicates whether the transaction is a 'stock exchange transaction', i.e. a standard transaction made via the trading system, or a report based on e.g. an average price transaction. Help texts define the different trade types.

Peter Belling, Senior Vice President, says, "The new information will make it a lot easier for investors to identify their own transactions, as they will be able to see who carried out a particular transaction and when it was carried out. It is easy to see which transactions have been concluded outside trading hours and which have been concluded at e.g. deviating prices. This is mayor step forward for professional and particularly private investors since the Copenhagen Stock Exchange is now able to provide the full "ticker", i.e. the full trading picture. With the new information, investors have become better equipped e.g. to assess their trading performance. In the near future, we will offer more facilities on our web site to provide investors with even more information about the stock market - information which is useful when deciding whether to invest in securities or not. I will, however, not reveal these facilities yet."