Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange - Focus: Does Knowledge Of Economics Have An Impact On Investors’ Decision Of Whether To Invest In Shares?

Date 28/04/2006

In issue no. 108 of Focus, Jesper Rangvid, Associate Professor, the Copenhagen Business School1, presents the results of a study he conducted in cooperation with Charlotte Christiansen and Juanna S. Joensen on whether private investors with an education in economics are more likely to invest in shares than the average private investor.

Thanks to the Danish civil registration number system it is possible to investigate the extent of the population’s investments in shares relative to their educational background. On the basis of a representative sample of the population (10 per cent) during the period 1997-2001, Jesper Rangvid and others have looked at observations on 405,271 private individuals’ investment decisions.

The study excludes all observable differences between persons such as gender, income and wealth. Thus, you may assess whether knowledge of economics, and thus knowledge of factors that drive the stock market, has an impact on the decisions that private investors make in relation to the stock market, apart from the influence that gender, income and wealth, etc. may have. The results of the study show that this specific knowledge of economics is the primary reason why economists are more likely to invest in shares than the average investor. The probability that the average investor with an education in economics (from a bank, business school or university) has acquired shares is 18 percentage points higher than for the average investor with a basic education. Jesper Rangvid finds the difference of 18 percentage points rather significant since they compared investors who have the same income, wealth, etc, - and the only difference between the investors was their choice of education.

Read the entire article ’Does knowledge of economics have an impact on private investors’ decision of whether to invest in shares?’ in Focus no. 108 at the Exchange’s website Also, view the webcast presentation by Jesper Rangvid, who presents the main results of the study.

Questions to the author may be sent to the e-mail address until 2 May 2006.