Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: April Trading Volume Below Average

Date 03/05/2001

In April 2001, equity trading amounting to DKK 51.1 billion was below average, though handsome compared to the bearish global market. The value of average daily trading amounted to DKK 2.8 billion, a 6 per cent fall on March 2001 and 20 per cent compared to April last year.

Due to the Easter holidays April only comprised 18 trading days, which resulted in a 23 per cent fall in turnover compared with the previous month, which had 22 trading days.

Vestas Wind Systems was the most actively traded share with a turnover of DKK 6.2 billion in April and Danske Bank was the second most-active share with DKK 5.2 billion. Then followed Tele Danmark with a turnover of DKK 4.9 billion.

The KFX shares reached a turnover of DKK 39.2 billion and they accounted for 77 per cent of the total turnover.

In general, the small banks enjoyed the largest percentage rises in value based on rumours of impending mergers.

Danisco, which rose by 14.2 per cent, was the only KFX company to be found among the 20 star performers.

GN Great Nordic recorded a rise of 11.8 per cent, which resulted in a no. 27 ranking. NKT Holding and H. Lundbeck, which both effected stock splits in April, recorded a fall of 25.6 and 6.9 per cent, respectively.

The KFX Index gained 1.3 per cent compared with March and closed out April at 298.30 - 5 per cent higher than at end-April last year.

Bond trading amounted to DKK 333.4 billion in market value, a fall of 27 per cent on March 2001, and a fall of 6 per cent compared with April 2000. The average daily value of trading decreased by 11 per cent compared with March to DKK 18.5 billion. The government bonds reached a turnover of DKK 153.3 billion in market value, a fall of 23 per cent on March.

The average true yield closed the month at 6.0 per cent, an increase of 19 basis points compared with end-March.

At the end of April 2001, the volume of bonds in circulation amounted to DKK 1,947 billion, a fall of 1 per cent.

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