Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: All Set For The Exchange's New Plus Segments SmallCap+ And MidCap+

Date 27/01/2003

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange reports ready for the new plus segments SmallCap+ and MidCap+, which become a reality on 1 April this year.

The Exchange has defined the final rules applicable to the new segments, and all formalities are thus in place. The companies included in SmallCap+ and MidCap+ will be ultimately elected in the beginning of March. "Rules governing SmallCap+ and MidCap+" are available on the Exchange's website in Danish and will soon also in English.

"Rules governing SmallCap+ and MidCap+" cover both the election of companies and index rules. Compared with the previous draft, the most significant change is that the index rules are now included, and that a company can only be represented in one of the plus segments. The Exchange has moreover amended the introduction requirements so that all of the companies now are given the opportunity to be elected to SmallCap+ if their free float adjusted market value does not exceed DKK 500 million. This rule applies under certain conditions and until the election in June 2003. In this way, the Exchange will give the companies time to let liquidity boosting initiatives take effect, following which the companies may go the whole length to MidCap+.

A new preliminary election to the future segments shows that 14 companies would be eligible for MidCap+ and 21 for SmallCap+ if the election had taken place in the beginning of January. Several companies may still qualify for one of the plus segments, for example by ensuring the minimum requirement to spread and order coverage through market maker agreements or by improving their information level before the election in March.

Senior Vice President Peter Belling commented: "At present it looks as if 35 companies will enter the new plus segments, and that a further 26 companies have the possibility of also becoming part of either SmallCap+ or MidCap+ if they enter into a market maker agreement before 28 February.

Basically, it is up to the company to be responsible for its shares active life on the stock exchange. The Exchange will support the companies in their efforts to strengthen the liquidity in their shares by providing the framework and increase the visibility of those companies that do extremely well in the eyes of the investors in terms of information and investor relations activities and which ensure the liquidity in the share directly or indirectly."

Preliminary lists of companies included in SmallCap+ and MidCap+, respectively:



Brdr.Hartmann B

Auriga Industries B

D/S Torm*

Bang & Olufsen B




Chr.Hansen Holding B



EDB Gruppen


Flügger B

FLS Industries B


Københavns Lufthavne


Radiometer B

Harboes Bryggeri B

Ringkjøbing Landbobank

Højgaard Holding A


Højgaard Holding B

Spar Nord Bank




Østasiatiske Kompagni

Luxor B


Nordjyske Bank*


Per Aarsleff B

Ringkjøbing Bank


Thrane & Thrane

* Nordjyske Bank, Nordicom, D/S Torm and Nordvestbank are included in SmallCap+, as they are covered by the special rules for companies that increase their free float adjusted market value to more than DKK 400 million.

** Bryggerigruppen and SimCorp are included in MidCap+, because they have entered into market maker agreements.