The extended hours have been implemented among other things to ensure that investors who trade listed securities outside the opening hours of the trading system can receive immediate information about company announcements irrespective of when the companies publish announcements via StockWise.
The company announcements will also be published on 24 hours a day 7 days a week under both StockWise news and on the company page of the concerned company. However, publication on the website will take place at a delay of 5-10 minutes.
President and CEO Hans-Ole Jochumsen says: "Especially private investors will benefit from our 24-hour service for redistribution of company announcements. In future, they will be able to keep track of the company announcements which the companies publish. So the investors may visit our website whenever they need to obtain the most recent information from the listed companies."
We most recently changed the hours for redistribution of company announcements on 15 October 2001 when the service was extended from 8.00 - 18.00 to 8.00 - 22.00 on trading days.
Our 24-hour redistribution service via StockWise does not change the Exchange's recommendation to the listed companies to schedule board meetings etc, so that any subsequent company announcements may be published within the opening hours of the trading system, i.e. between 9.00 - 17.00.
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange will continue to implement five-minute trading halts when listed companies publish announcements of a possible price-relevant nature in the opening hours of the trading system.