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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Congressional Black Caucus Visits NYSE To Strengthen Ties To Markets

Date 16/06/2000

Congressman James E. Clyburn, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange today to mark the group's first visit to the Exchange, aimed at strengthening ties with the financial community to ensure equal access to equities markets by all constituents. Accompanying him for the opening of the trading session were NYSE Chairman and CEO Richard A. Grasso, and nine members of the delegation.

Chairman Clyburn was joined at the Exchange by 26 of the 38-member caucus, including the CBC New York Democrat delegation-Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Ed Towns, Rep. Major Owens and Rep. Gregory Meeks. Representing a variety of districts and constituents across the nation, the members of the CBC act as advocates for women, minorities and families through legislation designed to meet their needs.

"The CBC has made closing the wealth gap one of its priorities in the 106th Congress. It is important that women and minorities are not left out of the prosperity that has come with the 'new economy.' Our visit to the New York Stock Exchange has made us more aware of the steps we need to take to broaden access to the markets," Rep. Clyburn, D-S.C., said.

"The Congressional Black Caucus members' visit to the Exchange today underscores the growing partnership between Main Street and Wall Street. Even though the number of individual investors in the U.S. is approaching 85 million, we find there are still communities who have yet to realize the benefits of the equity markets," Mr. Grasso said. "We look forward to partnering with the CBC to promote financial literacy throughout our nation."

The NYSE is the world's premier equities market and currently has more than 3,000 companies from 50 countries with a total global market capitalization of $17.0 trillion that trade an average 1.05 billion shares daily. Further information on the NYSE can be obtained at