Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Comment From Sungard Financial Systems Re: The FCA's Decision To Monitor Financial Services Firms' Internet Usage

Date 28/03/2013

Magnus Almqvist, senior product specialist for SunGard's capital markets business said, “It’s good to see the FCA’s incoming chief executive Martin Wheatley focus on enforcing investor protection across the financial services industry, particularly in light of the unearthed miss selling scandals such as SWAPs sold to low and mid cap companies and PPI to retail customers1. It’s also refreshing to see that part of this initiative includes monitoring company communication channels through social media such as Twitter.  This is a clear indication of the FCA’s dedication to remain relevant and at the heart of pertinent issues for our industry.

“This highlights that there’s growing demand in financial services to introduce efficient and scalable automated solutions that monitor both sales activity and  communication via corporate web pages and social media channels such as Twitter and Face Book.  Our Protegent2 suite of products provide social media surveillance to the compliance function within a capital markets firm, to ensure these compliance and reputational risks are properly managed.”