Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Comment By President & CEO Of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

Date 20/03/2003

As the US-led attack has begun TSE has decided, having taken into consideration the influence this event will have on financial markets, to conduct trading on our exchange next week as normal. However, we will be paying particularly close attention to further developments in this situation, closely monitoring the markets to ensure their functions are in proper order.

At this time I ask that all investors remain calm and invest with the discretion and prudence for which the present calls. Furthermore, I request of our trading participants that when soliciting investments they do so carefully and appropriately.

Finally, as the market has entered an unstable environment, I stringently demand that everyone involved in our market refrain from spreading rumors or taking part in any other action that could diminish the trust in our market.


Masaaki Tsuchida
President & Chief Executive Officer
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.