Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CMS WebView plc launches DDFView<SUP>™</SUP>

Date 16/01/2002

As part of the continued drive to increase global coverage of its product range, CMS WebView plc (CMS) is pleased to announce the launch of DDFView™ - the company's new generation Digital Data Feed (DDF) decryption and delivery software - designed to cater for both real-time and delayed exchange data.

DDF, a wholesale feed of real-time futures and options data from the leading derivatives exchanges, is utilised by a range of customers worldwide including quote vendors, trading companies and financial publications.

  • DDFView has been developed to enable non-specialist companies, such as news providers and brokers, as well as data professionals to integrate and manage DDF with a minimum of in-house technical expertise.
  • DDFView, designed to operate on an industry standard PC, features a range of data management modules that decrypt and deliver DDF data ready for integration into third party software ranging from price display terminals to web-portals.
  • DDFView has the capability to receive and decrypt real-time DDF information via leased line, satellite or Internet connections. In addition, all clients are able to benefit from a primary and back-up combination of the different delivery options.
Bob Antell, CEO of CMS WebView plc commented: "CMS, as an established wholesale global provider of futures and options information, is committed to the continued support and development of its DDF product. The launch of DDFView™ forms part of our broader marketing strategy to increase global coverage by ensuring that prospective customers can rapidly and efficiently assess and then integrate DDF into their proprietary products and services."

For further information on DDFView™ and CMS WebView plc's Digital Data Feed please contact: