Under the terms of this non-exclusive agreement, Singapore based NextVIEW will promote DDF in the Asia region as the preferred data feed to power the company's proprietary price display and charting software (TradeVIEW).
"We are looking forward to working closely with NextVIEW to promote DDF alongside TradeVIEW in the Asia region," stated Peter Blogg, Business Development Director of CMS WebView plc, "the signing of this agreement will also enable CMS to capitalise on the presence of its Singapore communications node, established in January 2002 with the co-operation of Gains International."
Stephen Lai, CEO of NextVIEW Pte Ltd said "This agreement will enable NextVIEW to offer customers of TradeVIEW access to a reliable, tried and tested source of real-time futures information from the leading international exchanges with a choice of either internet or local leased line circuit delivery."