Year-to-date volume on the exchange of 78,740,262 is up 18.7 percent over 1999. Volume on the CME's GLOBEX2 electronic trading system soared 117 percent over April 1999 to a record 2.5 million contracts. Year-to-date GLOBEX2 volume reached a record 9,361,834 contracts, a 110 percent increase over year-ago levels.
Volume in equity and index products rose nearly 39 percent year-to-date. Included in that total is an E-mini Nasdaq 100 Index futures all-time monthly record of 634,343 contracts. GSCI futures posted an April record of 88,111 contracts.
In interest rate products, April volume in Eurodollar futures, the most actively traded U.S. interest rate futures product, posted a 38.5 percent increase over year-ago levels to 10,171,821 contracts. In currencies, EuroFX futures were up 78.8 percent for April.
Total exchange-wide open interest, or the number of outstanding contracts at the close of trading, stood at 7,519,409 million positions at the end of April.