Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CME Contract Specifications Changes: GLOBEX Currency Futures

Date 23/03/2001

The CME Contract Specifications pages on the CME's Web site have been updated to reflect the following: This weekend, effective Sunday, 3/25/01, the GLOBEX Currency futures codes change to the new codes in preparation for the start of Side-by-side futures trading, Sunday, 4/1/01. The code changes only affect outright futures, and futures spreads. At this time Currency options codes remain unchanged until further notice.

Effective Sunday, 3/25/01, the number of listed contract months for Currency futures outrights will be increased from 4 quarterlies, to 6 quarterlies. The exceptions are; M-peso and SA-rand (unchanged at 13 months + 2 additional quarterlies); Brazilian real (unchanged at 12 months); R-ruble (unchanged at 4 quarterlies), and the two e-mini's (unchanged at 2 quarterlies). NOTE- D-mark and F-franc will be discontinued after their Dec 2001 contracts expires.

The Contract Specifications pages are at: