CME and Meff Renta Fija Members Gain Direct Access to Matif Contracts
Date 06/02/1999
SBF-Paris Bourse group markets have extended distribution of fixed-income and index derivatives to members of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Meff Renta Fija, the Spanish derivatives market. Since February 1, CME members have had simultaneous access to the products of French and US markets through a single trading screen running Globex2, the US version of the NSC trading system. This has the advantage of easing trades in spreads between dollar and euro zone products. The first phase in the implementation of the cross-trading agreement with Spain's MEFF concluded within the framework of the Euro-Globex® alliance began on February 5. Matif and Meff Renta Fija trading systems are now interconnected and members of the Spanish market can trade directly in Matif products through their existing workstations. This will naturally contribute to the liquidity of the 3-month Euribor contract, a common product to the two markets. In the coming weeks, Matif members will also be able to trade directly Meff Renta Fija products.