Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. "Seat" Sold For More Than $1 Million, Setting Record

Date 13/12/2002

Today, Dec. 13, 2002, a CME membership (full seat) on Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and its associated Class B-1 and 17,999 restricted Class A shares of CME Holdings Inc. was sold for $1,050,000 - the first time a full membership has sold for more than $1 million. This sale surpasses the previous high price of $980,000 for a full seat paid on Dec. 6.

The current bid is $980,000 and the offer is $1,125,000. The previous sale was on Dec. 6 for $980,000.

CME, IMM, IOM and GEM membership interests and their associated class B shares are bought, sold and leased through CME's Shareholder Relations and Membership Services and are freely transferable.