A total volume of 1,097,914 trades were transacted on SWX in September. The total comprises 965,704 trades in equities (including Exchange Traded Funds), 54,450 in bonds (includes Eurobonds) and 77,760 in derivatives.
The SMI index closed at month-end at 6,014.2, a decrease of 8.6% compared to the previous month. The change since the start of the year was -22.0%. The SPI index closed at month-end at 4,085.5, a decrease of 10.0% compared to the previous month. The change since the start of the year was -24.7%.
All SMI equities have been traded on virt-x since June 25 2001. The pan-european stock exchange virt-x is a joint-venture between the SWX and the Tradepoint-Group LDC