Company | Home stock exchange |
cap (million EUR) as of 15/09/2003
Profile | |
1 | Eesti Telekom | HEX Tallinn | 1014.44 | telecommunications |
2 | Ekranas | NSEL | 77.02 | manufacture of electronic equipment |
3 | Hansapank | HEX Tallinn | 1678.09 | banking |
4 | Harju Elekter | HEX Tallinn | 35.15 | manufacture of electric supplies |
5 | Latvijas Gaze | RSE | 362.44 | energy |
6 | Latvijas Kugnieciba | RSE | 117.46 | cargo shipping |
7 | Lietuvos Telekomas | NSEL | 379.98 | telecommunications |
8 | Merko Ehitus | HEX Tallinn | 97.35 | construction |
9 | Norma | HEX Tallinn | 92.66 | seat belt manufacturing |
10 | Pieno Zvaigzdes | NSEL | 29.73 | dairy products |
11 | Rokiskio Suris | NSEL | 62.94 | dairy products |
12 | Snaige | NSEL | 102.45 | manufacture of refrigerating equipment |
13 | Tallinna Kaubamaja | HEX Tallinn | 29.19 | retail sales |
14 | Ventspils Nafta | RSE | 203.47 | handling and storage of oil products |
15 | Vilniaus Vingis | NSEL | 21.14 | manufacture of electronic radio and television components |
As of 15 September 2003, the total market capitalisation of the list of the Baltic blue-chip securities stood at EUR 4.30 billion (EUR 3.61 billion as of 13 June 2003).
Further information about the Baltic List is available on the joint Internet homepage of the three Baltic bourses at