Immediately upon issuance of the President's executive order, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) distributed notice of the individuals and organizations identified in that order and the FBI's list to the commodity futures industry through the National Futures Association, all futures exchanges and the Futures Industry Association.
The CFTC asks that all futures-related entities (whether or not registered with the CFTC) voluntarily check their records for any information concerning the individuals or organizations named in the executive order and the FBI's list, and send that information to the CFTC. Names on those lists are set forth below. The CFTC makes this request for assistance of all futures-related entities, including futures commission merchants, introducing brokers, commodity pool operators, and commodity trading advisors.
If you have any information, please provide that information to the CFTC via:
- E-mail to (please put on the subject line "Enf-CFTC Search Request"); or
- U.S. mail to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20581, Attn: Enforcement, Executive Order Search.
List of Individuals and Entities:
- Al Qaida/Islamic Army (or Al Qaeda)
- Abu Sayyaf Group
- Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
- Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
- Al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
- Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
- Asbat al-Ansar
- Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)
- Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
- Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (AIAI)
- Islamic Army of Aden
- Usama bin Laden (or Osama bin Laden)
- Muhammad Atif (aka, Subhi Abu Sitta, Abu Hafs Al Masri)
- Sayf al-Adi
- Shaykh Sai'id (aka, Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad)
- Abu Hafs the Mauritanian (aka, Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, Khalid Al-Shanqiti)
- Ibn Al-Shaykh al-Libi
- Abu Zubaydah (aka, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, Tariq)
- Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi (aka, Abu Abdallah)
- Ayman al-Zawahri
- Thirwat Salah Shihata
- Tariq Anwar al-Sayyid Ahmad (aka, Fathi, Amr al-Fatih)
- Muhammad Salah (aka, Nasr Fahmi Nasr Hasanayn)
- Makhtab Al-Khidamat/Al Kifah
- Wafa Humanitarian Organization
- Al Rashid Trust
- Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export Company
- Khalid Al-Midhar
- Majed Moqed
- Nawaq Alhamzi
- Salem Alhamzi
- Hani Hanjour
- Satam Al Suqami
- Waleed M. Alshehri
- Wail Alshehri
- Mohamed Atta
- Abdulaziz Alomari
- Marwan Al-Shehhi
- Fayez Ahmed
- Ahmed Alghamdi
- Hamza Alghamdi
- Mohald Alshehri
- Saeed Alghamdi
- Ahmed Alhaznawi
- Ahmed Alnami
- Ziad Jarrahi