Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CDP Launches E-Mail Access To Share Statements

Date 10/07/2000

The Central Depository (Pte) Ltd (CDP), an SGX subsidiary, today announced the launch of an e-mail service to enable direct securities account holders faster access to information on their shareholdings.

About 1.08 million share investors will benefit from this service which facilitates their requests for statement of shareholdings; current month account statement and previous month account statement.

The service is available 24 hours daily; and each investor can make up to five requests a day.

"This initiative is part of our drive to enhance service for investors by harnessing technology. It provides them with a round-the-clock, convenient and more efficient means of portfolio tracking and investment planning." said Thomas Kloet, CEO of SGX.

Investors can obtain the registration forms on CDP's web site at After completing and signing the forms, investors will have to mail the forms to CDP for verification. CDP will then notify investors when they can access the service.

For the rest of year 2000, CDP will waive all fees and absorb the costs of operating this service. Only next year will it evaluate usage volume and consider the need for a nominal charge.