May Highlights Included: Total exchange month-end open interest: 4,635,216; CBOT average daily volume: 1,055,514; Project A® monthly total: 958,862; Project A average daily volume: 43,585; 10-Year Agency futures set a daily volume record on May 30, at 15,007 and set a daily open interest record on May 12, at 39,130, and set a monthly volume record at 157,964; 10-Year Agency options set a daily volume record on May 17, at 3,175 and set a daily open interest record on May 17, at 13,610, and set monthly volume record at 18,625; 30-Day Fed Funds set a monthly volume record at 171,801 contracts; Corn Options set a daily open interest record on May 31, at 623,035 contracts.
Monthly records were set for orders electronically routed to brokers using electronic order receipt devices. Using technology, 356,038 orders were entered and 128,854 orders were filled in the month of May. These numbers surpass the previous records that were set in March by 17% and 27%, respectively.
For the month of May 2000, a record percentage of futures orders were filled by brokers using electronic order receipt devices: 24% total, including 30% agricultural orders and 16% financial orders. On May 25, a record 36% of agricultural futures orders were filled by brokers using electronic order receipt devices.
Monthly contract records were set for orders electronically filled by brokers: 73% all Oats; 61% all Rough Rice; 38% Front Month Corn; 32%, all Corn; 36% all Soybean Oil; 22% all Treasury Bonds; 20% front-month DJIAsm. Year-to-date 1,491,148 orders have been electronically routed to floor brokers, of which 501,958 have been filled. This represents increases of 120% and 139%, respectively, from year-to-date 1999. Year-to-date 5,955,884 contracts have been electronically routed to floor brokers, of which 2,967,409 have been filled. This represents increases of 121% and 150%, respectively, from year-to-date 1999. 112 electronic order receipt devices were used by floor brokers filling orders for member firms. This represents an increase of 82% from the number of broker devices used in May 1999.
CBOT Full membership last traded at $540,000 as of May 22, 2000; CBOT Associate membership last traded at $124,000 as of May 25, 2000; CBOT Commodity options membership interest last traded at $26,500 as of May 26, 2000; CBOT IDEM membership interest last traded at $13,300 as of June 1, 2000.
Ten-Year Treasury Note futures were up 33.9% from May 1999 at 4,711,595 and up 41.6% year-to-date (YTD) at 20,523,419; Five-Year Treasury Note futures were up 33.7% from May 1999 at 2,548,401 and up 55.6% YTD at 10,940,467; Five-Year Treasury Note options were up 25.4% from May; 1999 at 340,533 and up 68.9% YTD at 1,875,427; Two-Year Treasury Note futures were up 21% from May 1999 at 160,157 and up 19.5% YTD at 545,870; Thirty-Day Fed Fund futures were up 156.3% from May 1999 at 171,801 and up 131% YTD at 628,322.
CBOT® DJIASM futures were up 7.7% YTD at 1,743,399; CBOT DJIA options were up 39.5% YTD at 106,809.
Corn futures were up 29.1% from April 2000 and up 83.5% from May 1999 at 1,789,708, and up 29.3% YTD at 7,972,182; Corn options were up 75.7% from April 2000 and up 113.4% from May 1999 at 601,962, and up 88.7% YTD at 2,254,370; Soybean futures were up 22.5% from April 2000 and up 60.5% from May 1999 at 1,321,597 and up 18% YTD at 5,763,474; Soybean options were up 75.4% from April 2000 and up 66.4% from May 1999 at 512,666; Soybean Meal futures were up 21.1% from April 2000 and up 45.1% from May 1999 at 566,607, and up 13.6% YTD at 2,583,177; Soybean Meal options were up 85.6% from May 1999 and up 89.7% from April 2000 at 74,024; Soybean Oil futures were up 28.6% from May 1999 at 451,162; Soybean Oil options were up 26.5% from May 1999 at 67,615.