Market Depth, which is one of the CBOT's market data products, is market information that reflects the actual bids and offers waiting to be executed. It is currently sold separately and augments the CBOT's Last Price Real-Time market data service. Beginning January 1, 2004, the two products will be merged into a singular package that results in substantial savings.
Currently, Last Price Real-Time Market Data is $30 per month and Market Depth is an additional $30 per month. The new package combines both market data products and will be offered for $35 per month, a saving of $25 per month.
Steve Dickey, Vice President of CBOT Market Data Products and Information said, "By including Market Depth as part of the regular Market Data package we are providing more information and transparency to the marketplace. Market Depth information is vital to traders and now they will be able to receive this comprehensive package at a substantially lower rate."
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