Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CBOT® To Offer Wholesale Transactions In Swap and Agency Futures

Date 07/07/2003

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today announced that it will make its Interest Rate Swap futures and Agency futures eligible for wholesale transactions. Wholesale transactions will provide increased flexibility to market participants while maintaining market integrity. Wholesale transactions in CBOT Swap and Agency futures will begin at 7:00am (Chicago time) on Wednesday, July 9, 2003.

CBOT Chairman Charles P. Carey said, "Wholesale transactions are designed specifically to uphold the Exchange's core values of transparency, integrity, and fairness. Providing our customers with this new trading tool will build liquidity and increase volume in our Swap and Agency futures."

CBOT President Bernard Dan said, "The CBOT is committed to exploring innovative ways to improve the marketplace and to better serve the needs of customers. As we have consistently demonstrated -- by switching to a new and improved electronic trading platform, by offering more efficient clearing via the CME/CBOT Common Clearing Link, and now by introducing wholesale transactions -- the CBOT continues to offer the industry the most sophisticated and liquid markets while maintaining its commitment to full transparency and integrity."

Wholesale transactions offer market participants the convenience of negotiating a large transaction at a single price with a designated and appropriate counterpart, the security of a trade cleared by the CBOT's clearing services provider, the implementation of Exchange rules and regulations to insure trade transparency, and alternative means of entry/exit for participation in Swap or Agency futures or options.

For more details on the CBOT wholesale transaction facility, please visit