Pit trading in MIDAM EURODOLLAR FUTURES will CLOSE EARLY, AT 12:00 NOON Central Time, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2001. Beginning at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, December 6, 2001, the above mentioned MidAm contracts will be converted to CBOT® mini-sized Eurodollars contracts and will be traded exclusively on CBOT®'s electronic trading platform, a/c/e. Any cleared and open positions in the MidAm Eurodollars contract will be automatically converted to CBOT® mini-sized Eurodollars positions.
Trading hours for the CBOT® mini-sized Eurodollars on a/c/e will be 8pm CST to 4pm CST, Sunday through Friday. The ticker symbol for the mini-sized Eurdollars contract is YE, for the deferred-month mini-sized Eurodollars contract is YE2.