Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

CBOT Members Approve New Pricing Strategy

Date 04/12/2001

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) membership today approved comprehensive revisions to the exchange's pricing strategy, as recommended and endorsed by the CBOT® Board of Directors. The vote to approve the new pricing strategy was 400 5/6 in favor to 95 1/6 against.

CBOT® Chairman Nickolas J. Neubauer said, "Our new pricing strategy will help drive value creation for the entire CBOT®. This strategy will encourage greater market liquidity and efficiency, better represent the diversity of our various user groups, provide greater flexibility to respond to competitive pressures, and ensures that member preference is strengthened at the Chicago Board of Trade. It also will enhance exchange membership prices and trading opportunities available in our open auction and electronic markets."

The new pricing strategy, which will be implemented in January 2002, creates four distinct "user" types for exchange fee purposes, establishes volume discounts for all user groups, and provides refinements to the CBOT®'s existing screen-based pricing.

For more information on the CBOT®'s products and markets, log onto the exchange web site at

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