Of his resignation, Catania said, "The Chicago Board of Trade is at a critical juncture in its long and successful lifetime, and my stepping down provides David Vitale with some much needed flexibility to structure the exchange in order to meet the many challenges that lie ahead."
CBOT®" President and CEO David J. Vitale said, "Pat has served our members and member firms, customers and fellow employees with great distinction throughout his years of service with the exchange. His experience and his knowledge of the global commodity and financial markets have resulted in tremendous contributions to the Chicago Board of Trade."
A member of many agricultural and financial market associations, Catania has been a frequent speaker at industry meetings and conferences, and has published many articles and several textbooks, both independently and on behalf of the CBOT®". He maintains strong ties to the Asian and European markets, and intends to provide consultancy services in marketing and product development to the global financial services industry.