The CBOE HyTS Terminal, which is now available, provides CBOE customers with immediate point-and-click access to CBOE markets and other U.S. options exchanges. The HyTS Terminal also provides access to real-time, streaming quotes from all U.S. options exchanges, other market data, and order management with trade-log capabilities-all on a single screen.
"The demand on the street for the HyTS Terminal has been exceptionally strong and we will begin installing terminals immediately" said Ed Provost, CBOE Executive Vice President. "The HyTS Terminal will be the main portal for entering orders into our new Hybrid Trading System and allow the users access to options trading functionality that has never been available in the past," Provost added.
The CBOE HyTS Terminal will be a cost effective, highly efficient means for customers to access CBOE's new Hybrid Trading System, which will become available in late May 2003.
CBOE, regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is the creator of listed options, and the world's largest options marketplace. For additional information about the CBOE and its products, visit the CBOE website at
Belzberg Technologies provides the software and networks that enable global, direct access routing and execution of trades for financial institutions in the United States, Canada and Europe. Additional information is available at