Also on Friday, CBOE set an all-time record for total volume traded, with about 4.0 million contracts changing hands. Friday's record was the second consecutive record volume day at CBOE, following Thursday's volume of about 3.0 million contracts traded. The previous record was 2.73 million contracts traded on April 18, 2001.
Through the first three months of 2005, CBOE's year-to-date average daily volume has been 1.71 million contracts traded, which is 12% ahead of 2004, a record year at CBOE. For the week of April 11th through 15th, believed to be the busiest trading week in CBOE history, CBOE average daily volume was 2.72 million contracts, an increase of 59% over the 2005 year-to-date average daily volume and 90% higher than 2004's average daily volume of 1.43 million contracts.
CBOE, the world's largest options marketplace and the creator of listed options, is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For additional information about the CBOE and its products, visit the CBOE website at: