Total exchange volume for the month of April was 21,692,523 contracts traded, (12,009,485 calls and 9,683,038 puts), a decrease of 26% from the April 2001 level when 29,454,146 contracts traded. CBOE exchange-wide average daily volume for the month was 986,024 contracts traded, down 33% compared to April 2001's average daily volume of 1,472,707 contracts.
Equity option volume for the month of April totaled 15,510,492 contracts traded, (9,325,653 calls and 6,184,839 puts), a decrease of 29% from April 2001's level of 21,984,962 contracts.
Total index option volume at CBOE was 6,179,582 contracts traded, (2,682,032 calls and 3,497,550 puts), a decrease of 17% from the 7,465,814 contracts traded in April 2001. Options on the S&P 500 Index (SPX) were the most actively traded index contracts at CBOE, with volume of 1,963,831 contracts, a decrease of 7% from the April 2001 volume of 2,100,934 contracts. Open interest in SPX stood at 3,228,367 contracts at the end of April, an increase of 8% over year-ago levels.< p>Volume in options on the Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock (QQQ) reached 1,696,302 contracts traded for the month of April, a decrease of 22% from the 2,169,818 contracts traded in April 2001. Open interest in the QQQ stood at 4,539,519 contracts at the end of the month.
Trading volume during the month of April in options on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJX) dropped to 716,494 contracts traded-a decrease of 39% from April 2001's level of 1,177,763 contracts. Open interest in the DJX options stood at 618,325 at month's end, a decrease of 20% over last year.
Total volume during April for options on the S&P 100 Index was 937,317 contracts traded. Volume in the S&P 100 Index options (OEX) was 790,732 contracts, while volume in the S&P 100 Index options with European-style exercise (XEO), launched on July 23 last year, was 146,585 contracts traded.
Volume in the Mini-NDX Index options (MNX), an index option based on one-tenth of the Nasdaq-100 Index, for the month of April was 637,080 contracts traded, representing a decrease of 1% from the April 2001 total. Open interest in MNX stood at 864,934 contracts, up 24% from the end of April last year.CBOE, the world's largest options marketplace and the creator of listed options, is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For additional information about the CBOE and its products, access the CBOE website at
CBOE®, Chicago Board Options Exchange®, LEAPS®, and OEX® are registered trademarks of Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated. Long-term Equity AnticiPation SecuritiesTM, MNXSM, SPXSM and XEOSM are trademarks of Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated. Dow JonesSM , Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM, DJIASM, and Options on the Dow,SM are service marks of Dow Jones & Company. Nasdaq-100®, Nasdaq-100 Index®, Nasdaq®, Nasdaq-100 SharesSM, and Nasdaq-100 TrustSM are trademarks of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. S&P®, S&P 100® and S&P 500® are registered trademarks of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.