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CalPERS Seeks Disclosure Of Business Conflicts At Fortune 100

Date 03/11/2004

The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) wants to know if any directors or senior management of Corporate America'a largest corporations have personal economic interests that may conflict with company business.

Mark Anson, Chief Investment Officer for CalPERS, has sent a letter to the Fortune 100 company chief executive officers in the United States asking for detailed information on any directors and senior management who hold a financial interest in a company that provides services to the corporation or its subsidiaries.

"Conflicts of interest can affect decision making and threaten shareowners interests and the long-term viability of public corporations," said Anson. "Corporate directors and senior management have a duty of loyalty to the corporations they serve. Personal economic interests of a director or senior management should not influence in any way their corporate decisions."

The request comes following recent news reports about directors and officers at large companies having questionable conflicts of interests. CalPERS asked companies for the following specific information:

  • The name of any entity in which any present director or member of senior management has an economic interest that has done any business with the company;
  • The nature of the business relationship; and
  • Any policies or procedures that the company has in place governing these transactions.
CalPERS is the nation's largest public pension fund with assets totaling approximately $168 billion. The System provides retirement and health benefits to more than 1.4 million State and local public employees and their families. For more on CalPERS, visit