Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Calculation And Publication Of Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividend Focus 100 Index - New Index Focused On Dividend Yield

Date 25/01/2010

The Tokyo Stock Exchange will calculate and publish a new dividend yield-focused index called "Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividend Focus 100 Index" to satisfy the diverse needs for stock price indices in the market.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividend Focus 100 Index is an index which places focus on the estimated dividend yields of its constituent issues. The index will be made up of the top 100 issues (90 stocks, 10 REITs) which have large market capitalization and high estimated dividend yield, out of constituent issues of the TOPIX 1000 and Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Index.

1. Overview

Name of Index
Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividend Focus 100 Index
Constituent Issues 100 issues (90 stocks, 10 REIT issues), based on market capitalization and estimated dividend yield, selected from the constituent issues of TOPIX 1000 and Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Index which settle accounts in March, June, September, or December.
* Constituent issues will be published in mid-February 2010.
Issue Selection
  • Classify index constituent issues into 4 separate groups based on security type (stocks/REITs) and account settlement period (Mar/Sep or Jun/Dec).
  • From within each group, determine constituent issues after screening issues based on market capitalization and estimated dividend yield.
  • Apply optimization method and determine constituent ratio of each group.
  • Calculate constituent ratio (weight) of index constituent issues by multiplying the constituent ratio of each group by market capitalization weight of each issue within each of the groups.
* Details will be published in mid-February 2010.
Index Calculation Optimization factor adjusted market capitalization weighted index
Base Date/ Base Value Friday, February 26, 2010 / 1,000 points
Launch Date Monday, March 8, 2010
Total Return Index Available
Calculation Interval Real-time distribution via TSE Market Information System (MAINS) (every 15 seconds) to securities companies, information vendors, etc. (excluding Total Return Index)
Dissemination via TMI Not available

2. Use of Index License

The index is calculated in collaboration with another company. With regards to index licensing, priority will be given to parties related to ETF creation.