Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Cairo And Alexandria Stock Exchanges: New CASE 30 Price Index

Date 23/02/2003

As of 31/1/2003 the Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges (CASE) will discontinue the CASE 50 Price & Total Return Indices. The exchange will calculate only one index, CASE 30 Price Index, starting 2nd February 2003. CASE 30 is a free float market capitalization index that will be reviewed twice a year (January and June) by a committee at CASE, which will make the required changes (additions and removals of the companies included in the CASE 30). The new index will be retroactively computed starting on 1/1/1998 with a base value of 1000. CASE will now become one of the pioneering emerging markets that follows the international trend of index calculation (set by the two international index providers FTSE and MSCI) by adjusting indices by the free float.

For further details on the new index, please click here.