Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistical Report November 2003

Date 11/12/2003


Total number of listed companies on CASE in November 2003 declined to 1053 as opposed to 1079 in the previous month.

One company was listed this month on the exchange with total capitalization of LE 81.3 million.


Total number of trading days in November 2003 amounted to 18 days with total value traded of LE 2,007 million. Value traded of listed securities amounted to LE 1,230.14 million, of which shares, bonds and funds represented 85%, 15% and 0% respectively. On the other hand, OTC trading reached LE 776.9 million, which represents 39% of total value traded for the month.

This is in comparison to October 2003, when value traded of listed securities amounted to LE 1,931.7 million, of which shares represented 91%, bonds 9% and funds 0.0%. In addition, the OTC trading amounted to LE 523.9 million i.e. 21% of total trading (on- and off-exchange trading) which reached LE 2,455.6 million.

Total volume traded (shares & bonds) for this month reached 72.81 million securities.

During November 2003, 71,952 transactions were concluded with an average of 3,997 trades per day, as opposed to 106,988 transactions and an average of 5,095 trades per day in October 2003.


CASE 30 Price, the official market index, gained 3.08% in November to reach 1104.72 points and witnessed a 123.84% increase on YoY.

However, the MSCI Egypt index witnessed a 1.2% increase in November, to close at 121.715 points on 30/11/2003, and a 77.84% increase on a YoY basis.

Price Movements of Selected Shares

The ten most active stocks represented 70.76% of the total volume of shares traded and 77.09% of total value of shares traded for the month.

During the month of November, the top ten gainers, on the official CASE market, were (in descending order of price change) Egyptians Abroad for Investment & Development (+54%), Misr International Bank (MIBank) (+53%), Egyptian Media Production City (+41%), Medical Union Pharmaceuticals (+33%), Delta Sugar (+21%), Pyramisa Hotels (+20%), Nile Matches (+13%), National Development Bank (+10%), Arab Ceramics (Aracemco) (+10%) and International Electronics (+10%).

The top ten losers were (in ascending order of price change) Bauer Egypt Geo-technical Specialists (-71%), El Nasr Transformers (El Maco) (-24%), Rakta Paper Manufacturing (-24%), Egyptian Agricultural Seeds (-23%), Egyptian Financial Group-Hermes Holding Company (-21%), Egyptian Chemical Industries (Kima) (-21%), Egypt for Poultry (-18%), Heliopolis Housing (-18%), East Delta Flour Mills (-17%) and Extracted Oils (-15%).

Market Capitalization

Total market capitalization of shares amounted to LE 161.1 billion as of end of November 2003 compared to LE 160.59 billion in October 2003, representing a slight 0.32% increase.

The bond capitalization recorded LE 5.43 billion for corporate bonds and LE 10.14 billion for government bonds at the end of November 2003.

Foreign Participation

In November, foreign investors participated with 26% of the total market value traded with net inflows of portfolio foreign investment totaling LE 90.89 million.

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