On the day of the official opening, there were altogether 96 securities transactions executed in the total value of HRK 3.9 billion. The Varazdin Stock Exchange market, where trading has been taking place since 1997, lists 21 securities, which may be traded by 32 authorised brokerage firms. This year, the total turnover at the Varazdin Stock Exchange has amounted to HRK 1.25 billion, or EUR 168 million.
The Ljubljana Stock Exchange has gained much experience in applying its BTS trading system - the Varazdin Stock Exchange represents its fifth project of the kind. LJSE has already participated both with its own know-how and the technology with similar ventures in Macedonia; whereas in Montenegro, the Republic of Srpska and in Bosnia and Herzegovina it also provided assistance in formation of individual capital markets.
On the first day of trading on the new BTS system at the Varazdin Stock Exchange, LJSE also unfolded its future plans for the establishment of an informational network between the stock exchanges of Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Skopje, Podgorica and Varazdin, from the region of the former Yugoslavia. Individual stock exchanges are to exchange trading information in real time, and be able to access on-line data on the status of the individual stock exchange markets. Likewise, they should be able to view information on particular issuers as well as all other data vital for investment decisions. Any Exchange participating in the project makes a start with matching information solutions, in order to establish their own separate systems for the application and management of various data for their members and the public. The launching of the Varazdin Stock Exchange project represents the very first step towards more active co-operation among the individual Exchanges.