Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BSE Announces Fiscal Year-End Results - Continues To Post Record Breaking Numbers

Date 20/10/2000

The Boston Stock Exchange has announced a record breaking fiscal year-end. Total annual share volume for the BSE’s fiscal year 2000, ended September 30th, was 5.3 billion, an increase of 31% from fiscal 1999. Total trade volume for the year was 12.6 million, up 39% from the prior year. On an average daily basis, the BSE’s share volume rose from 16.3 to 21.4 million shares per day, an increase of 31%. Average daily trade volume reached 50,950 trades, an increase of 42% compared to 35,904 trades per day in 1999.

The Exchange also continued to see gains from its Competing Specialist Initiative (CSI), an innovative program that, in fiscal 2000, accounted for 41% of the BSE’s share volume, and 57% of trade volume. CSI allows BSE floor specialists to compete for order flow in the same stock issue, adding depth and liquidity to the marketplace while offering price improvement.

"The BSE is pleased to report a standout performance for fiscal year 2000," said William G. Morton, Jr., Chairman and CEO of the Boston Stock Exchange. "During a year of intense change within the securities industry, the BSE posted record results in virtually every aspect of our business. We have, once again, demonstrated our ability to provide customers with the services they need and value in a first class trading environment."

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