Breakwater Trading, LLC is located in Chicago, Illinois and is the fourth Liquidity Provider registered on WCE.
WCE has a Liquidity Provider Program in place for all WCE contracts. The program began with the start of electronic trading on December 20, 2004 and has been enhanced since then so that exchange transaction and clearing fees are waived for proprietary traders who provide short-term liquidity for WCE contracts. The program is in effect until August 31, 2006.
Proprietary transactions executed by these firms, as well as several local traders, currently represent approximately 20% of WCE's total volume.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc., established in 1887, has been facilitating futures contract trading since 1904. WCE is Canada's only agricultural futures and options exchange and offers futures and options contracts on canola, domestic feed wheat, and western barley.