Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BP New Trading Participant On EEX Spot Market - New Record Trading Volume On The Spot Market

Date 14/03/2001

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has admitted BP Gas Marketing Limited as a new participant for electricity trading in the spot market. BP Gas Marketing Limited is part of the BP Amoco Group and one of the world’s largest energy-sector corporations. BP Gas Marketing Limited is trading on EEX from London and is the third company from the UK.

Moreover, EEX today reported record trading volumes of 40,771 MWh for the spot market traded on Wednesday. Of the total volume, 8,371 MWh were traded in individual hours and 32.400 MWh were traded in blocks (15,000 MWh peak load and 17,400 MWh base load blocks).

With the new admission of BP, the EEX spot market now has 34 participants from seven countries trading electricity for the next day. The companies come from Austria (3), Belgium (1), Germany (21), the Netherlands (1), Spain (1), Switzerland (4) and the UK (3).