Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Boston Consulting Group To Study Russian Securities Market

Date 16/09/2003

On September 16th, 2003, the RTS Stock Exchange and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) signed an agreement to undertake comparative study of securities markets in Russia and abroad and outline the perspectives of the market's development. The study will be financed by RTS, National Depositary Center (NDC) and National Association of Professional Market Participants (NAUFOR).

In the course of research, BCG will compare and contrast securities markets in the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, France and the USA and study main characteristics of Russian market: its infrastructure, trading rules, clearing and settlement procedures and existing legislation.

The Boston Consulting Group is the world's leader in strategic consulting. Founded in 1963, the company now has 55 offices in 33 countries. In the last 3 years BCG completed more than 1700 strategic consulting projects, including those on more than 20 stock exchanges all over the world.