As far as the closing phase is concerned, a reduction of 5 minutes in the closing auction will take place. Therefore, the deadline for entering auction orders will be 17.30 instead of 17.35. This will allow to anticipate the auction closing phase to 17.33, while the reference and official prices will be calculated and disseminated immediately after 17.35 (instead of 17.43 as today).
The hours of the IDEM derivatives market will remain unchanged with continuous trading from 9.00 to 17.40. The only change will consist in a reduction of 5 minutes in the trading phase on the maturity day for the nearest maturity of S&P/MIB index futures, S&P/MIB index mini-futures, and options on the S&P/MIB index and stock futures. This phase will be carried out between 9.00 and 9.05.
Duration of technical suspension to be reduced
Moreover, there will be a reduction in the duration of the technical suspension in case of excessive price volatility on the MTA, MTAX and Expandi markets, from the current 25 minutes to 12 minutes. As a result, the interruption of continuous trading will have a total duration of 15 minutes (12 minutes pre-auction plus 3 minutes of validation) instead of the current 30 minutes (25 minutes of pre-auction and 5 of validation).