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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang For Horoz Lojistik A.Ş.

Date 07/06/2024

In his address at the Opening Bell Ceremony, Korkmaz Ergun, the CEO of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., stated the following: 

“Distinguished guests,

Today, I welcome you all to your home, to the Opening Bell Ceremony hosted by our Exchange as we celebrate the listing of Horoz Lojistik A.Ş. at our Exchange.

Horoz Lojistik has a successful history as one of the first domestic logistics organizations of our country with many years of experience.  It offers solutions to many different sectors of our country, especially in the field of distribution and warehousing. The company continues to grow consistently with its diversified business lines.

In achieving these growth targets, Horoz Lojistik has taken an important step today by starting to be traded on Borsa İstanbul. With this step, while providing financing for its growth, it will also continue its institutionalization in an effective way.

Distinguished guests,

I would like to extend my thanks to the esteemed managers of our company and our intermediary institution who contributed to this IPO. I extend a warm welcome to Horoz Lojistik as it joins Borsa İstanbul family and wish this IPO to be auspicious for our capital markets.