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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Borsa İstanbul VIOP Doubles The Underlying Single Stocks For Futures And Options Contracts To 20

Date 09/02/2016

Borsa İstanbul Derivatives Market (VIOP) increases the number of underlying single stocks for futures and options contracts, currently standing at 10 to 20. Upon introduction of the new underlying assets on February 11, the ratio of the total spot market trade volume of 20 underlying single stocks to that of BIST 30 Index-constituent equities will increase to 93%.

As per the demand on the investor side, the world’s fastest growing derivatives market Borsa İstanbul VIOP will introduce futures and options contracts on 10 new underlying single stocks on February 11, 2016. Therefore, with the addition of 10 new underlying single stocks for futures and options contracts, 20 of the BIST 30 Index-constituent equities will be underlying assets of single stock futures and options contracts. Consequently, the ratio of the total spot market trade volume  of 20 underlying single stocks to that of BIST 30 Index-constituent equities will increase to 93%.

Institutional investors account for 57% and 55% of the trade volume in, respectively, single stock futures contracts and single stock options contracts at VIOP. As new underlying assets are introduced for trading, efficient risk management and investment diversification will be ensured along with central counterparty clearing services.

The new underlying stocks are listed below:

  • Arçelik A.Ş. (ARCLK)
  • Emlak Konut Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. (EKGYO)
  • Kardemir Karabük Demir Çelik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (KRDMD)
  • Koç Holding A.Ş. (KCHOL),
  • Pegasus Hava Taşımacılığı A.Ş. (PGSUS)
  • Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş. (PETKM)
  • Tofaş Türk Otomobil Fabrikası A.Ş. (TOASO)
  • Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. (TTKOM)
  • Türkiye Halk Bankası A.Ş. (HALKB)
  • Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları A.Ş. (SISE)

Trading value in single stock futures achieved a four-digit growth of 1.198% to reach TL 1.8 billion on VIOP in 2015, and is expected to grow further in 2016 as new underlying assets are introduced. A total of 2.7 million contracts were traded in 2015, with a total number of 225,000 open interest positions. During the same period, the trade volume  of single stock options contracts increased by 723% to an all-time-high of TL 527 million, and the value of open interest positions to TL 102 million.

The innovative revenue sharing market making scheme introduced in January 2015 enabled tight executable on-screen bid-offer spreads for single stock futures and options at VIOP. Currently, Is Investment, Finans Invest and Ak Investment are market makers for single stock futures contracts and Ak Investment is market maker for single stock options contracts traded on VIOP, ensuring liquidity for the instruments.

As the world’s fastest growing derivatives market, Borsa İstanbul Derivatives Market (VIOP) is the region’s leading and most liquid derivatives marketplace where the investors and corporates trade to manage their risk. VIOP offers the widest range of regional benchmark products across all major asset classes, including futures and options based on equities, equity indices, currencies, interest rates, precious metals, commodities and energy with a central counterparty clearing service.

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