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Borsa İstanbul And IFC Organize GSS Bonds Executive Training

Date 07/10/2024

Borsa İstanbul hosts the “Green, Social, and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training” organized in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group that focuses on private sector operations, to inspire green bond issuance in developing countries.

“Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training” is organized by IFC in different countries around the world. The annual institutional cohort will be held for the first time in İstanbul between October 6-10. The sessions of the training program on October 8-9 will be held at Borsa İstanbul premises. The training program will last for 3.5 days with the participation of 44 decision makers from 25 financial institutions and 13 different countries including Türkiye. Participants, predominantly bank officials from developing countries, will be awarded certificates upon the successful completion of comprehensive training and team exercises on green bond issuance.

The training program is organized under IFC's Green Bond Technical Assistance Program (GB-TAP). GB-TAP aims to develop the green bond market in developing countries, provides technical assistance to financial institutions on green bond issuance, and works for the global public good through a range of activities and initiatives.