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Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Expands Its Management Board - The Company Concluded On September 15th Its Capital Structure Consolidation Process

Date 01/10/2003

Having concluded its stock-capital consolidation process, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME), the company that integrates the Spanish stock markets and registry, clearing and settlement systems, today announced it has expanded its management board, thus making new progress in the configuration of its company structure.

The appointments have been made as follows: Gabriel Domínguez has been appointed Director of Human Resources, Francisco Nicolás IT Director and Ramón Adarraga Director of International Affairs Co-ordination. Also, a Budget Area has been included within the Finance Management, which will be headed by Marta Bartolomé.

Antonio Giralt, from the Bolsa de Barcelona, will join the Co-ordination Committee in charge of Listings. Ramón Adarraga and Gabriel Domínguez will also join this Committee. A Company Resources Commission has also been created, which will support the human resources and IT activities.

The configuration of BME's company structure started in November 2002 with the creation of the Executive, Audit and Compensation Commissions as well as a Co-ordination Committee and the appointment of Javier Hernani as the Director of Finance and Jaime Sanz as the Director of Corporate Communication.

On September 15th Ignacio Benjumea joined the Board of Directors replacing José Manuel Arrojo and representing Santander Central Hispano. The new member of the Board is also to join the Executive Commission.

"With the new appointments of management, an organisational structure is configured which is in line with the transparency and professionalism strategy adopted by the Board. The appointments will strengthen the management capabilities with a view to boosting the development and growth of the company", said Antonio Zoido, Chairman of BME. Antonio Zoido also said that the appointments intend to provide BME with an "efficient, professional, highlyqualified and well-coordinated management team in order to work on the challenges facing the company in an ever more competitive global financial market"

The Executive Chairman of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles highlighted the excellent professional competence of the new management team, which has built upon the integrating companies' know-how. The Chairman also expressed his satisfaction to rely on these professionals, who will undoubtedly "contribute to the Group's future development and strengthening."

Bolsas y Mercados Españoles held its Extraordinary General Meeting on September 15th during which a capital increase of € 65.4 million was approved that enabled BME to integrate 39.7 % of Iberclear's stock capital, which until then had been held by Banco de España. With this operation, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles concluded its capital consolidation process.

Brief biographic description

Gabriel Domínguez (Director of Human Resources) holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He started his professional career as the Personnel Director at Standard Eléctrica and Director of Social Affairs at Boetticher y Navarro. He was the Head of Personnel in Bolsa de Madrid and is currently the Director of Market in this company.

Francisco Nicolás (IT Director) holds a Civil Engineer Degree from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He joined the Bolsa de Madrid in 1989 as the Company Projects Director, participating in different projects for the modernisation of the market.

Ramón Adarraga (Director of International Affairs Co-ordination) holds an Economics and Business Administration Degree from ICADE. He is currently the Director of International Affairs at the Bolsa de Madrid and the Secretary General of the European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI).

Antonio Giralt (Manager of Listings at the Co-ordination Committee) holds an Economics and Business Administration Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He joined the Bolsa de Barcelona in 1981 and holds different positions at the Research, Information Products and Supervision departments. He is currently Deputy-Managing Director of the Bolsa de Barcelona.

Marta Bartolomé (Head of Budget) holds a Degree in Business Administration from CUNEF. She started her professional career at the audit company Deloitte & Touche and later joined SENAF in 1999 as the Director of Finance. She is currently the Director of Finance at MF Mercados Financieros.

Members of the Various Commissions

Executive Commission, formed by 5 members and integrated by José María Abril, Javier Aríztegui, Ignacio Benjumea, Fernando Ramírez and Antonio Zoido, as Chairman.

Audit Commission, integrated by Josep Manuel Basáñez, José Luis Damborenea, Ramiro Mato and Juan Carlos Ureta.

Compensation Commission, formed by Joan Hortalá, Angel Torre and Carlos Vela.

Members of the Co-ordination Committee

The Co-ordination Committee members are; Ramón Adarraga, Gabriel Domínguez, Antonio Giralt, Javier Hernani, José Massa, José María Narvaez, Francisco Nicolás, Francisco de Oña, Jaime Sanz, Pedro Valdecantos, Jorge Yzaguirre and Antonio Zoido, as Chairman


Between January and August 2003, share trading volumes reached € 525,313 Million, which leverages BME as the fourth largest European market, after London (€1,995,066 Million), Euronext (€ 1,089,487 Million) and Deutsche Börse (€ 722,000 Million).

Also important are the company's derivatives markets, which between January and August traded over 20 million contracts. As for warrants, 2,014 were traded in the first eight months of the year, a 37 % increase on the same period last year. The value of the premiums traded during that period was € 1.160 bn, representing a 69 % increase on the same period last year.

As for the public fixed income market, trading volumes reached between January and August came in at 1.7 trillion euros , a 12 % increase on the same period last year. The private fixed income sector, which is undergoing a booming growth, posted a trading volume of € 236,492 Million during the same period, a 34 % increase on the same period in 2002.