Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Boerse Stuttgart Records May Turnover Of Around EUR 7,8 Billion - Increases In Structured Securities, Equities And Exchange-Traded Products Compared To The Same Month Of The Previous Year

Date 03/06/2024

Based on the order book statistics, Boerse Stuttgart generated turnover of around EUR 7,8 billion in May, around 8 percent more than in the same month of the previous year.

Structured securities made up the largest share of the turnover. The trading volume in this asset class was around EUR 3 billion – an increase of around 5 percent compared to the same month of the previous year. Leverage products generated turnover of around EUR 2,3 billion. Investment products contributed around EUR 677 million to the total turnover.

According to the order book, trading in equities produced turnover of around EUR 1,5 billion, around 25 percent more than in the same month of the previous year. German equities contributed around EUR 941 million towards this total. International equities generated turnover of around EUR 594 million.

The monthly total for trading in debt instruments (bonds) was around EUR 1,7 billion in May. Around EUR 710 million of turnover was attributable to corporate bonds.

Turnover shown in the order book from exchange-traded products (ETPs) was around EUR 1,5 billion, around 18 percent more than in the same month of the previous year. The turnover from investment fund units in May was around EUR 96 million.

Stuttgart stock exchange trading volume May 2024