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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BNP Paribas Asset Management Launches Medical Technology And Green Hydrogen ETFs

Date 17/03/2022

BNP Paribas Asset Management (‘BNPP AM’) announces the launch of thematic index funds focused on medical technology (‘med tech’) and the sustainable green hydrogen economy, both of which integrate an ESG[1] approach.  Listed since 17 March 2022 on Euronext Paris and the Deutsche Börse Xetra, these new funds broaden BNPP AM's range of thematic ESG ETFs[2], including low carbon, circular economy, blue economy, green real estate and sustainable infrastructure.


  • BNPParibas Easy ECPI Global ESG Med Tech replicates the ECPI Global ESG Medical Tech Index, which selects the 50 most active global stocks within sustainable medical technology, including biotechnology, life sciences tools & services, equipment, supplies and healthcare technology.
  • BNP Paribas Easy ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy replicates the ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy index designed to offer investors exposure to the 40 most active companies in the sustainable green hydrogen economy.

Denis Panel, Head of Multi-Asset, Quantitative & Solutions (‘MAQS’) at BNPP AM, comments:

"The healthcare and green hydrogen sectors are enjoying strong growth and are themes of the future, enabling us to offer relevant long-term investment solutions.  These two launches expand our range of index funds and demonstrate our desire to be a key provider of thematic ESG ETFs.”

BNP Paribas Easy ECPI Global ESG Med Tech

Over the past decade, the healthcare sector has undergone major developments, driven by multiple technological advances in computer science, robotics and biotechnology, as well as structural factors such population aging.  The ECPI Global ESG Medical Tech Index is an equally-weighted index designed to offer investors exposure to the most active listed companies in global developed markets within sustainable medical technology.  The investment universe also incorporates ESG filters and sector exclusions[3].  The 50 index constituents are selected from four sectors:

  • Biotechnology: companies active in genomic science and genetic medicine/therapy.
  • Life Sciences Tools & Services: companies involved in the research, development and production of innovative drugs.
  • Healthcare Equipment & Suppliers: companies involved in areas such as manufacturing healthcare equipment and hospital supplies, or designing drug delivery systems.
  • Healthcare Technology: companies active in areas such as telemedicine and digital health, connected healthcare devices or robotics.

BNP Paribas Easy ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy

The European Union attributes a key role to hydrogen in its transition efforts, known as the ‘Green Deal’, aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.  Hydrogen, one of the world’s most abundant elements, offers a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and represents a huge investment potential, with the market expected to reach or exceed USD 150 billion by 2030[4].  The ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy Index consists of 40 companies selected on the basis of their ESG criteria and their efforts to reduce their exposure to coal and unconventional fossil fuels, within two sectors:

  • Hydrogen: companies significantly involved in the supply of solutions based on green hydrogen, including production, supply or storage.
  • Clean energy: companies significantly involved in the production of electricity from renewable energy used in sustainable hydrogen production plants.


Key fund characteristics as at 17 March 2022

Fund name                     BNP Paribas Easy ECPI Global ESG Med Tech UCITS ETF
ISIN code                        LU2365457410
Replication method         Physical
Dividend policy               Capitalisation
Currency                         EUR
OCF(a)                             0.30%
SFDR category(b)              8
AMF category(c)               1
SRRI(d)                            6

Fund name                     BNP Paribas Easy ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF
ISIN code                        LU2365458145
Replication method         Physical
Currency                         EUR
OCF(a)                             0.30%
SFDR category(b)              9
SRRI(c)                             6
AMF category(d)               1

(a) Ongoing charge (on an annual basis).
(b) Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on information to be provided on sustainable development in the financial services sector.  Article 8 - product promoting environmental or social characteristics.  Article 9 - product with a sustainable investment objective.
(c) Synthetic Risk & Reward Indicator is determined on a scale of 1 to 7 (7 being the highest level of risk).  It is calculated on a periodic basis and may therefore change over time.  Regular consultation of the Fund's KIID/DICI is recommended.
(d) Category 1 of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (French financial market regulator) Doctrine – management approach based on significant ESG commitment.

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[1] Environmental, Social & Governance

 [2] Exchange Traded Funds

 [3] Exclusions relate to the arms, tobacco, thermal coal and unconventional oil & gas sectors

 [4] Source: Hydrogen Council