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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BME’s Fixed Income Market Registers A 500 Million Euro Bond Issue From Inmobiliaria Colonial

Date 01/07/2021

The AIAF fixed income market, operated by BME, today registered a new 500 million euro bond issue from Inmobiliaria Colonial, with a coupon of 0.75% and a term of eight years.

The issue has a nominal amount per unit of 100,000 euros and during its placement investors demand was considerable, up to three times oversubscribed. This new bond is part of the process launched by Colonial for the repurchase and definitive cancellation of its 500 million euro issue maturing in 2023, as well as the partial redemption of another 600 million euro issue maturing in 2024.

The new issue will be listed on the Spanish market under the issuer's "Euro Medium Term Note" programme, which allows issues of up to 5 billion euros.

Colonial has distributed this issue via a syndicate of financial institutions participating as Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners: BNP Paribas, BBVA, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo and Mediobanca -Banca di Credito Finanziario. Additional Joint Bookrunners were BofA Securities Europe, CaixaBank, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley Europe and Société Générale, while Banco Sabadell, Bankinter, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft and Unicaja Banco acted as Other Bookrunners.

This is the second issue launched by Inmobiliaria Colonial in this BME market. "We are very thankful for the confidence placed again by the company in the Spanish fixed income market’s infrastructures, and we are confident that we will continue to attract transactions in the future," said Gonzalo Gómez Retuerto, General Manager of BME Renta Fija.

Colonial is a REIT listed on the Spanish stock exchange and an IBEX 35© constituent. It is a leader in the prime office market in Europe and has a presence in the main business areas of Barcelona, Madrid and Paris, with a prime office portfolio exceeding one million square metres and assets under management of more than 12 billion euros.