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BME: The 11th LATIBEX Forum Starts Tomorrow - There Will Be Over 60 Latin American Companies - Latin America Appears As A Very Interesting Investment Alternative And Outgrowths That Of Other Regions

Date 17/11/2009

The 11th Latibex Forum, organised by BME, will start tomorrow with an inaugural act that will be presided over by Antonio Zoido, Chairman of BME and will have the presence of Cesar Alierta, Chairman of Telefónica, Antonio Brufau, Chairman of Repsol-YPF, Salvador Gabarró, Chairman of Gas Natural and Rubens Ghilardi, Chairman of Copel. 

During this three-day event there over 60 companies representing such countries as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru will come together in Madrid with investors and European financial intermediaries for what has consolidated itself as the major gathering of this type in Europe.

Latin American countries, net exporters of commodities with full access to financial world markets, will be the regions with the greatest growth in the future. The latest economic data, which the trends followed by stock exchanges have reflected well, suggest that these countries, led by Brazil, are exceeding growth forecasts and even outgrowing other regions. In fact, Brazil has become the region’s star, with projected economic growth for 2010 of 3.5%. 

On Wednesday 18th, the first day of the Forum, topics such as investment opportunities in Latin America and renewable energies will be dealt with and the “Brazil’s evening”, which will bring together the main business leaders of the country. On the second day, other topics such as the situation of the financial system in the current juncture, the Latin American fixed income and the development of telecommunications will be thoroughly looked into and panels dedicated to Chile and Mexico will also be held. 

The session of Friday 20th will open with the panel “The response of IOSCO to the crisis” and later on the relation between the growth of the Chinese and Latin American economies will be analysed as well as the potential of Madrid as an international financial and investment centre. The Latibex Forum will close by dedicating the evening of the last day to the retail investor, where key analysts and asset managers that operate in Europe will speak. 

During the three days of the Forum, one-to-one meetings will take place between investors and companies to allow the former to get to know the corporations more in depth and help companies test the potential of the European market as a source of finance.