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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BME: IBEX® Gender Equality Reaches Record 58 Components After Annual Review

Date 12/06/2024

  • The index, which measures the presence of women on the Board of Directors and in the senior management of companies, incorporates eleven new members
  • The IBEX® Gender Equality index has risen by 10.8% so far this year, and the IBEX® Gender Equality Total Return by 12.5%


New record in the number of components of the IBEX® Gender Equality, the index that brings together the most advanced Spanish listed companies in terms of gender equality. The Technical Advisory Committee has decided to add eleven new companies and remove five, which means that the index will now comprise 58 companies, compared to the current 52. The changes will be effective as of June 24.

The benchmark index on gender equality in Spanish listed companies is reviewed annually on the basis of information published by the CNMV on the presence of women in the companies' decision-making bodies. Any company in the Madrid Stock Exchange General Index (IGBM) that has between 25% and 75% female presence on its Board of Directors and between 15% and 85% in senior management is included in the index.

In this latest review, ACSAcerinoxAdolfo DomínguezAirtificialClínica BavieraGrupo Catalana OccidenteIberpapelMinor HotelsProsegurRenta 4 and Sacyr entered the index, while Prosegur CashGestampGrifolsIndra and Melia Hotels left it. AtresmediaAudax RenovablesAenaAlmirallAlantraAccionaAcciona EnergíaAtrysBBVABankinterCaixaBankCie AutomotiveCellnexInmobiliaria ColonialDiaGlobal DominionEbro FoodsEnceEnagásFaes FarmaGAMGrenergyIAGIberdrolaInditexLínea DirectaLogistaLar EspañaMapfreDuro FelgueraMetrovacesaNicolás CorreaDeoleoOryzon GenomicsPharma MarPrimPrisaRedeiaRepsolRealiaLaboratorios RoviSabadellSantanderSoltecTelefónicaUnicaja and Vocento.

Carmen López, Head of Indices at BME, explains that “the number of IBEX® Gender Equality components has not stopped growing since its inception, reflecting the commitment of listed companies to gender equality. In these three years, the index has established itself as a clear measure of the progress of equality in Spanish listed companies, a factor that investors are increasingly taking into account when composing their portfolios”.

The IBEX® Gender Equality index has risen by 10.8% so far this year and the IBEX® Gender Equality Total Return by 12.5%.

The launch of sustainable indices is part of BME's strategy to promote sustainable finance.

More information on BME's family of sustainability indexes, which is completed with the IBEX® ESG indexes and the FTSE4Good IBEX®, can be found via this link.