Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

BM&FBOVESPA Releases Monthly Financial Statement For September

Date 08/10/2008

In September, the total number of trades in BM&FBOVESPA’s variable and fixed income markets reached 6.46 million, with a financial volume of BRL120.96 billion, compared to 4.5 million trades and a financial volume of BRL101.04 billion in August. The Company’s derivatives markets (both financial and agricultural) ended September with a total trading volume of 35.39 million contracts, and a notional financial volume of BRL2.55 trillion, compared to 28.77 million trades and BR1.9 trillion in August.


Financial derivatives markets

The U.S. Dollar, Ibovespa and ID futures markets were the highlights in the month of September. The U.S Dollar futures market traded 9.99 million contracts in September, an increase of 30.61% over the 7.65 million contracts traded during the previous month. The ID futures market ended September with 13.21 million contracts, an increase of 37.96% compared to the 9.57 million contracts traded in August. The volume of contracts traded on the Ibovespa futures market increased by 12.65%, from 1.72 million in August to 1.94 million in September.

Open interest on the BM&FBOVESPA markets ended the month of September with 19.75 million contracts up from 19.22 million contracts in August.

Agricultural derivatives markets

The agricultural futures market (including futures, options and ex-pit transactions) traded 308,860 contracts in September, with a financial volume of USD4.23 billion, compared to 333,790 contracts and USD5.23 billion in August.

In September, the soybean and live cattle markets (including futures and options) exceed the volumes registered in the previous month.

The soybean market traded 16,240 contracts in September, an increase of 8.6% over the 14,950 contracts traded in August. The volume of contracts traded on the live cattle market in September increased by 1.7%, reaching a total of 176,480 compared to 173,540 in August.

All the other markets ended the month at lower levels in comparison to the previous month. The Arabica coffee market traded 80,520 contracts in September, down 20.6% from 101,400 in August; the corn market traded 34,630, down 18.6% from 42,550 in August; the sugar market traded 74 contracts, down 89.5% from 704 in August. The cash-settled corn contracts and the Cascavel-based corn basis contracts, which were launched on September 19, 2008, traded 516 and 20 contracts, respectively.

Open interest on the BM&FBOVESPA markets ended the month of September with 125,490 contracts, consisting of 96,950 futures contracts and 28,540 options contracts.

Mini contracts
The number of mini contracts traded in September increased by 27.12%, reaching a total of 1.01 million compared to 796,960 in August. The U.S. Dollar market was the highlight in September, increasing 49.35% to 12,600 contracts. The Ibovespa market traded 1 million contracts, an increase of 26.88% over the 788,390 contracts traded in August. The mini contracts ended September with 16,270 positions, compared to 9,970 in the previous month.


The gold spot market (250 grams) traded 1,120 contracts (280.5 tons) in September, an increase of 40.43% over the 799 contracts (199.8 tons) traded during the previous month. The financial volume increased from BRL8.88 million to BRL14.42 million.


Financial volume and number of trades Financial volume in the stock markets totaled BRL120.96 billion in September, up from BRL101.04 billion in August. The average daily financial volume stood at BRL5.50 billion, compared to BRL4.81 billion in August. In September the total number of trades and the daily average of trades stood at record 6.46 million and a record 293,628, respectively, compared to 4.50 million and 214.197 in August.

The stocks with the highest financial volumes were Petrobras PN, with BRL 19.74 billion; Vale R Doce PNA, with BRL 14.51 billion; BMF Bovespa ON, with BRL 4.84 billion; Sid Nacional ON, with BRL 4.14 billion; and Petrobras ON, with BRL 3.96 billion

The Ibovespa ended September down 11% at 49.541 points. The best performing stocks were Tim Part S/A ON (+15.70%); TAM S/A PN (+11.39%); Tim Part S/A PN (+10.03%); Trans Paulista PN (+8.15%) and Souza Cruz ON (+6.90%). During the same period, the poorest performers were Cosan ON (-50%); Sadia S/A PN (-47.08%); Rossi Resid ON (-46%); Cesp PNB (-36.83%); and BMF BOVESPA ON (-31.67%).

In addition to the Ibovespa index, all of the other indices ended the month of September at lower levels: IBrX-50 (-8.5% at 7,447 points); IBrX-100 (-9.3% at 16,532 points); ISE (-5.2% at 1,658 points); ITEL (-6.5% at 1,088 points); IEE (-6.2% at 16,392 points); INDX (-20.7% at 7,216 points); IVBX-2 (-12.2% at 4,249 points); IGC (-14.2% at 4,726 points); ITAG (-13.7% at 6,102 points); Small Cap (-23.2% at 667 points); and MidLarge Cap (-8.3% at 743 points).

Market value

The combined market value of the 396 companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA was BRL 1.79 trillion at the end of September, compared to BRL 2 trillion in August.

Special Corporate Governance Levels
As of September 30, 2008, the 163 companies that are included in the Special Corporate Governance levels represented 59.09% of the market value, 69.45% of the financial volume and 74.10% of the number of trades in the BM&FBOVESPA variable income spot market.

The spot market accounted for 93.6% of the financial volume in September, followed by the options market with 3.9%, and the forward market with 2.5%. The financial volume for the after-hours market was BRL 711.7 million in August, with a total of 80,468 trades, down from the corresponding totals in August which were BRL 598.30 million and 61,837, respectively

Investor participation
As of September 30 the net flow of foreign investment into the Brazilian stock market in 2008, amounted to a positive BRL 1,425,500,340.50, which is the net balance between the BRL 19,773,442,885.50 in shares purchased by foreign investors and the BRL 18,347,942,545.00 in shares sold by foreign investors at BM&FBOVESPA.

In the month of August, the financial volume traded by foreign investors in the stock market was a negative BRL 1,812,555,225.00, which is the net balance between stock sales of BRL 45,299,424,712.00 and stock purchases of BRL 43,486,869,487.00.

The foreign investor participation in stock offerings, including IPOs, represented 48.1% of the total BRL 41,088,182,386.20 in transactions related to the publication of offering closure dates ending on October 2, 2008, as can be seen from a table on the BM&FBOVESPA website under the Press and Media section.


In September, the Investment Fund on Credit Rights (FIDC) began trading on the Exchange’s fixed income markets. The financial volume of the secondary market totaled BRL112.2 million, compared to BRL43.4 million in August, adding together the Bovespa Fix and Soma Fix trading systems. The total financial volume for September consisted of BRL17.2 million from FIDCs, BRL3.2 million from debentures and BRL91.7 million from CRIs.